About Scouting

Cub Scout Pack 99 Chartered Through Weddington Methodist Church
Serving children in Kindergarten through Fifth Grades
Kids have different ranks in Cub Scouting, determined by age.  During the years to grow from Lion or Tiger Scout to finish the Webelos Scout requirements, Scouts have countless opportunities to learn, do, develop, and achieve.
In the early years, scouts work closely with adult partners on their requirements.  Over time, they acquire the maturity, knowledge and skill to work independently.  By the end of fifth grade, they are ready to transition to the Scouts BSA troop. 
  • Kindergarten - Lion
  • First-Grade - Tiger
  • Second-Grade - Wolf
  • Third-Grade - Bear
  • Fourth- Grade - Webelos 1
  • Fifth Grade - Webelos 2 

A Proven Model for Scouts to Succeed
As a worldwide brotherhood, Scouting is unique. It is based on the principles of loving and serving God, of human dignity and the rights of individuals, and of recognizing the obligation of members to develop and use their potential. It is a movement dedicated to bringing out the best in people. Cub Scouting doesn't emphasize winning as an end result, but rather the far more demanding task of doing one's best.  Scouting helps nurture courage and kindness and allow boys to play, to laugh, to develop their imaginations, and to express their feelings.

Boys join Cub Scouting because they want to have fun. For boys, however, fun means a lot more than just having a good time. "Fun" is a boy's code word for the satisfaction he gets from meeting challenges, having friends, feeling good about himself, and feeling he is important to other people. While the boys are having fun and doing things they like to do, they also learn new things, discover and master new skills, gain self-confidence, and develop strong friendships.

Faith and Ideals
Cub Scouting has ideals of spiritual and character growth, citizenship training, and personal fitness. The Cub Scout Promise is a pledge of duty to God and family. The Law of the Pack is a simple formula for good Cub Scouting and good citizenship. The Cub Scout motto, "Do Your Best," is a code of excellence. The Tiger Cub motto, "Search, Discover, Share," encourages personal growth and fitness. Symbols, such as the Cub Scout sign, Cub Scout salute, and the Living Circle, help boys feel a part of a distinct group and add to the appeal of belonging to a widely respected organization.

Supporting the Family
The family is an important influence on our nation's youth. There are many different types of family structures in today's world. Scouting is a support to all types of families as well as to organizations to which families belong. We believe in involving families in the training of youth, and we are sensitive to the needs of present-day families. Cub Scouting provides opportunities for family members to work and play together, to have fun together, and to get to know each other a little better.

Interests and Skills
In Cub Scouting, boys participate in a broad array of activities. Cub Scouts develop ability and dexterity, and they learn to use tools and to follow directions. Recognition and awards encourage them to learn about a variety of subjects, such as conservation, safety, physical fitness, community awareness, academic subjects, sports, and religious activities. These interests might become a hobby or even a career later in life.

Year-Round Activities
Cub Scouting has no specific "season"—it's a year-round program. While spring and summer pack activities are informal and there are many activities that Cub Scouts do outdoors, there's still plenty of fun to be had in the fall and winter: the pinewood derby, blue and gold banquet, skits, stunts, craft projects, and indoor games help to round out an entire year of fun and activities.

Cub Scouting Is a Positive Place
With all the negative influences in today's society, Scouting provides your son with a positive peer group who can encourage him in all the right ways. Carefully selected leaders provide good role models and a group setting where values are taught and help to reinforce positive qualities of character.

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